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EndNote (Desktop): 6. Importing With a Filter

Use this guide to get started using the desktop version of EndNote.

Simple Step-By-Step

Importing with a Filter from PubMed into EndNote

1. In EndNote, select Edit → Import Filters → Open Filter Manager

2. Go through the list and select the Filters you want to save

3. Note the specific instructions for each Filter

4. Close the Filter Manager

5. Follow the specific instructions for the particular database from which you are importing

6. In EndNote, go to File → Import, or click on the Import icon (blue down arrow)

7. Find the text file on your computer

8. Select the appropriate Filter from the Import Option drop-down list

9. Click Import

Importing With A Filter

Not all databases and indexes offer direct export into EndNote.  In these cases, you need to format your references, save them in a text file and import them into EndNote with a filter.  This tutorial will demonstrate this process with PubMed.

Importing References With A Filter In EndNote X3 from UHM SciTech on Vimeo.

Music by Surf Gods and used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license:

From The Experts

The two most commonly used UHM databases the require importing with a filter are:

  • PubMed Medline (for EndNote X5 and earlier)