Government Documents provides access to thousands of uncataloged publications of many agencies that are no longer in existence. Examples include:
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Bureau of Animal Industry
Bureau of Chemistry
Bureau of Dairy Industry
Bureau of Entomology
Bureau of Plant Industry
Cooperative State Research Service
Extension Service
Farm Credit Administration
Farm Security Administration
Farmer's Home Administration
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
International Agricultural Development Service
Rural Electrification Administration
Rural Utilities Service
Many of these agencies' publications may be found in the HathiTrust database.
We also have Congressional reports, documents, committee hearings, and prints related to agriculture and USDA. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required). Additional documents covering 1910-1932 are available in the Executive Branch Documents microfiche set. Please contact a government documents librarian if you have questions about our holdings.