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Government Documents - Department of Agriculture: Food & Nutrition Service

Guide to our holdings of publications of the USDA and its subsidiary agencies related to agriculture, farming, production, imports and exports, prices, research and development, farmer cooperatives, and related topics.

Contact FNS

SNAP (food stamps) information number: 1-800-221-5689 

Main FNS telephone number: (703) 305-2062

The Food & Nutrition Service (FNS), established in 1969, administers food and nutrition programs in the U.S. It is best known for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), the National School Lunch Program, and Women, Infants and Children (WIC). FNS also co-develops the Dietary Guidelines for Americans with the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Dietary guidelines for Americans 2010

Government Documents provides access to many FNS publications, including the following series:

Food & nutrition (A 98.11:)

FNS handbooks (A 98.8/2:)

Our holdings include kits, pamphlets, and posters about nutrition and nutrition programs as well as statistical publications concerning utilization and characteristics of participants. We also have Congressional reports, documents, committee hearings, and prints related to nutrition programs. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required). Please contact a government documents librarian if you have questions about our holdings.

Subject Guide

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Gwen Sinclair
2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 96822