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Getting the Most out of PubMed Medline: MeSH

MeSH Searching

Another way to find articles PubMed is to build a search using Medical Subject Headings, or MeSH.

MeSH is the "controlled vocabulary" used by the National Library of Medicine - basically a set list of terms used to categorize and index articles.

Using MeSH terms to find articles in PubMed will expand your search skills and connect you to articles you may not have normally found.

To learn more about MeSH terms, click on the image to the right for a brief video tutorial!

Video Tutorial - Use MeSH

Navigating to MeSH

To add MeSH terms to search strategies, go directly to the MeSH Database of controlled vocabulary, or go to the MeSH Database while using PubMed.

On PubMed's main page, scroll down from the search box and look for the MeSH Database link under Explore.

Partial screenshot showing the MeSH Database link located below PubMed's home page


Look for MeSH as a link option at the bottom of each page in PubMed.

Partial screenshot showing the location of the MeSH link at the bootom of  pages in PubMed


You may also add MeSH terms to your searches when building a search on the Advanced search page. Select MeSH Terms from the drop down menu, then enter your search term. Toggle the Show index/Hide index link to view MeSH terms with subheadings.

Partial screenshot showing MeSH Terms as a search field option and the location of the Show Index link


Take it Up a Notch

Here are a few more resources on using MeSH terms: