Ryukyuan (Okinawan) Dictionaries
Dialect Dictionaries / 方言辞典 (including Okinawan dialects)
Accent (Pronunciation) Dictionaries / アクセント (発音) 辞典
Update: As of September 3, 2020, this database is no longer available. The University of Ryukyus Library plans to renew the database sometime in October 2020.
Last updated: September 2020
In 2006 Okinawa Prefectural Government proclaimed September 18 as "Island languages Day" (Shimakutuba no hi / しまくとぅばの日).
Okinawa Prefectural Government has a list of websites that promotes the use of Uchinaaguchi or Shimakutuba, Okinawan languages.
Research published by the Agency of Cultural Affairs (文化庁) in Japan
Research by NINJL
Articles by Researchers
Aloha Uchinaaguchi Channel on Youtube
There are 15 videos created by Aloha Uchinaaguchi and you are able to learn basic conversation in Uchinaaguchi.
Uchina De Asobo / うちなーであそぼ is a five-minute TV program broadcasted by NHK Okinawa. (JPN version)
As of April 22, 2017, some of the contents created and maintained by NHK are no longer availalbe on their site. For excample, the page that used to have a story titld "Usagi to kame (The tortoise and the hare)" is no longer available at
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) / 国立国語研究所
Corpora and other useful resources are available. Use the search on the top page with keywords, such as 琉球.
Ryukyuan Language Resources available at the Okinawa Collection at George Washington University Library
Last updated: April 15, 2021.
Skid Sid Kobashigawa has recently started a Youtube channel called the “Uchinaguchi Study Group." The target audience are individuals who have a desire to learn the Okinawan language. The lessons are conducted in English, and no prior knowledge of Uchinanguchi is necessary. It will cover vocabulary, grammar, phrases and situational conversations in Uchinanguchi. Videos will be released every week and each will be about 8 – 15 minutes long.
Last updated: April 16, 2021