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Okinawan Studies: For Visitors / 学外の利用者の方へ

Guide to Okinawa/Ryukyu-related resources


Before your visit

Please make an appointment with Okinawa Studies Librarian.  Okinawa Studies Librarian needs at least two weeks in advance to arrange a meeting.

The Location on the Hamilton Library on the University of Hawaii at Mānoa Campus

The Hamilton Library is located at the northeast corner of the campus.

Campus Map with Hamilton Library shown

UH Mānoa Campus Map

If you drive to this location, you can use the Google Maps navigation function. 

Asia Department and Okinawa Librarian's Office are located on the 4th floor of the Hamilton Library.

Transportation within and to the Campus

Hamilton Library's Floor Plans 

Okinawa Studies Librarian's Office

Room 402 (4th floor inside the Hamilton Library)

     Location of Room 402 in Hamilton Library at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Before your visit:

Please check Hamilton Library's Hours

If you visit only for a short period time, and plan to seek Okinawa Studies Librarian's assistance, please contact her for her availability before your visit.  Here is her contact information. 

The US Federal and the State of Hawai‘i Holidays

Visitors, especially visitors from foreign countries, are encouraged to check both the Federal and Hawai'i State Holidays when you plan to visit Hamilton Library.

Okinawa Special Collections Access Policy 

This access policy applies to the Okinawa Special Collections such as Sakamaki/Hawley Collection, Hawaii Karate Collection and others.

These collections are closed, meaning they are available for study but cannot be checked out. Access is available only to scholars conducting significant research. Because many items have not been cataloged, arrangements for the retrieval of requested materials must be made well in advance. Please discuss your research needs with the Okinawa Studies Librarian. Because of the rare and fragile nature of the collections, please be aware of the following library procedures:

1. Submit your request for materials to the Okinawa Studies Librarian via email or mail prior to your visit to the Library. It is strongly recommended to consult your visiting plans with the Librarian at least two (2) weeks in advance and before you make plans to come to Hawai‛i. In your initial email, please include your name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information.
[Okinawa Special Collections Application Form (PDF) is available at the bottom of this page]

2. If your research does not require viewing of original materials, microfilms or photocopies will be provided instead, whenever available.

3. You may request more than one item to be viewed, however, you can view only three (3) items at any one time.

4. If you are to come as part of a group, please limit the number in the group to a maximum of three (3) members and include each individual's name, affiliation, and contact information with your initial request.

5. Use of the materials is monitored by Library staff.

6. You must wash your hands with soap before handling the materials. No need to wear gloves. We also recommend not to wear a watch when you handle the rare materials. 

7. Inside the viewing room, only pencils and/or laptops are permitted. Ballpoint pens, fountain pens, mechanical pencils, and other kinds of writing tools are prohibited.

8. Photocopying, photographing and digitizing of materials are not permitted. Special exceptions may be made at the Library's discretion.
[Duplication Consent Form (PDF), available from the bottom of this page]
[Reproduction Consent Form (PDF) is available upon request. Please contact Okinawa Studies Librarian]

9. Smoking, drinking, and eating are not permitted in the Library.

10. Publications quoting from or referring to portions of the collections are required to properly acknowledge the source as "Sakamaki/ Hawley Collection" or "Hawaii Karate Collection."  Please notify us should you have your work published.

Thank you for your interest in the Okinawa Special Collections, as well as for your understanding and cooperation. 


この沖縄特殊コレクションは、ハワイ大学マノア校図書館アジアコレクション内の次にあげる特殊コレクションに関して定めたものです:阪巻・宝玲コレクション(サカマキ/ホーレーコレクション)ハワイ空手博物館コレクション。特殊コレクションの貸出はいたしません。閲覧は、特殊文庫閲覧室に限られます。特殊コレクション資料の閲覧は、現在特殊コレクション資料の研究に携わる研究者に限ります。 上の資料の大部分は目録が作成されてリスト化されていますが、資料を取り出すまでに時間を要します。下記の規程に従って、閲覧申請と閲覧希望資料のリストを書面 にて提出してください。資料の状態によっては補修が完了するまで閲覧ができないものがありますので、前もって沖縄研究専門司書にご相談く ださい。特殊コレクション資料の希少性と貴重性を考慮し、下記規程を厳守してください。

1.  来館前に必ず「閲覧願い」と「閲覧資料リスト」を沖縄研究専門司書に提出してください。電子メール、郵送のどちらでもかまいませんが、必ずハワイへの旅行予定を立てる前に提出し、閲覧日をご相談ください。閲覧願いには、氏名、所属機関名、連絡先(電子メールがある場合は電子メールの住所)、閲覧希 望期日、閲覧資料リスト(できるだけ詳細に)などを明記してください。[閲覧申し込み書(日本語)はこのページの下にあります]

2.  複製のある物は、原則として複製物を利用していただきます。

3.  閲覧申請希望資料リストは3件以上申請できますが、同時に閲覧できる資料は3件までです。3点の閲覧が終了しましたら次の3点と交換します。

4.  グループでの閲覧を希望される際は、その人数を3名までとし、各人の氏名、所属機関名、連絡先などを上記の第1項に従って提出してください。

5.  閲覧は閲覧室に限り、閲覧に際しては係りの者が閲覧者に臨席します。

6.  資料取り扱いには十分配慮してください。閲覧の前には必ず手を洗っていただきます。

7.  閲覧室内では、鉛筆およびラップトップコンピュータのみ使用できます。ボールペン、万年筆、シャープペンなどの筆記具は使用不可です。

8.  資料の複写、写真撮影、デジタル化はできません。ただし、前もって当館の承諾を得て、許可される場合もあります。 [複写申込書 (PDF)、複製・再版申請書 (PDF)はこのページの下にあります]

9.  図書館内での喫煙、飲食は禁止されています。

10.  特殊コレクション資料への言及や引用等をする場合は原資料が当館の所蔵に係るものであることを次のように明示してください。「ハワイ大学マノア校図書館(米国ハワイ州ホノルル市)所蔵サカマキ/ホーレーコレクション、またはハワイ空手博物館コレクションなど」。また、発表・出版の後は、その旨の詳細をお教えください。

As of March 2019, Hamilton Library introduced a KIC scanner. Users can scan books and journals and save the data into a USB drive or send the data to their email account. 

KIC scanners

Currently (as of March 15, 2019), such scanners are located on the first floor next to the alcove and in the Hawaiian and Pacific Collection on the fifth floor in Hamilton. 

kic scanner on the first floor


USBs are not sold inside the Library. If you need a USB, please go to the campus center bookstore

UH Mānoa Bookstore Info:

If you need assistance in using scanners, please contact the Information Desk on the first floor

Campus Solution on campus (near the UH Mānoa Bookstore) has some photocopiers. Campus Solution is located on the 1st floor of the Campus Center.

Campus Center on UH Manoa Campus

"Campus Solutions offers Copying & Printing Services for University of Hawai'i students, staff, and visitors."

Campus Solution Business Hours

  • M-F: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
  • Sat:  9:00 am - 12:30 pm
  • Sun: Closed

Phone: 808-956-9750

How to use microfilms and microfiches (as of March 2019)
(1) Entering the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Library
  • No need to show your ID to enter the building
  • No need to show your ID to use microfilms
(2) Using microfilms
  • First come, first serve. Users cannot make a reservation. 
  • Users go into the microfilm storage room and locate microfilms on their own. If you cannot find the reels you are looking for, assistance is available at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
  • The hours of using microfilms are the same as the Library Hours. Please visit the page below.

  • Please be aware that the Circulation Desk closes 15 minutes before the building closes in case you need any assistance in using microfilm readers and/or locating microfilms.

General Information

Asia Collection Logo

Reading Room:


Contact Us:

Reference Hours: M-F: 10am - 2pm


Phone: (808) 956-8116

Ask Us