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- Kokushi Daiiiten/国史大辞典
Printed version and online version via JapanKnowlegde (UHM Only)are available
One of the largest encyclopedias of Japanese history. It encompasses every aspect of Japan's history and includes entries in related fields such as archaeology, folklore, religion, art, Japanese language, Japanese literature and geography.
- Nihon Rekishi Chimei Taikei/日本歴史地名大系 via Japan Knowledge (UHM Only)
Encyclopedia of Japanese Historical Place Names. Categorizing 20,000 entries which encompass all of the prefectures of Japan plus Kyoto City, edited to reflect recent changes such as municipal mergers and changes in place names. It also contains some archeological 500 notes reflecting the latest research.
Others Usful Sources
- Asian Bills at Kyoto University 1980-1986 Digital site
Agitation bills collected at Kyoto University between 1980-1986 digital site.
- Bibliography of Japanese History up to 1912 complied and updated by Dr. Peter Kornicki at Cambridge University
- Cross Currents Explores the rich, ongoing relationship between the U.S. and Japan over the past fifty years.
- Database of Old Diaries in the Heian Period
Created by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken 日文研). The database is created in kundoku (“Japanese” or explanation reading) of the full texts of old diaries, etc. written in the mid-Heian period
- Hyakugo Archives Database 東寺百語文書データベース
Toji Hyakugo Monjo refers to a collection of medieval Japanese documents originally preserved at Toji, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. The huge collection comprises nearly 25,000 documents spanning roughly 1,000 years, from the 8th to 18th centuries. The bulk of the collection dates from the 14th and 15th centuries.
- Japan Institute of International Affairs/日本国際問題研究所 A downloadable pdf file of the latest issue is available online until the next issue is published. Those who need to access to back issues of "Kokusai Mondai" have to become a member of the organization. Please see the member application at<>
- The Japanese Historical Text Initiative (JHTI)
A database made up of historical texts dating back more than 1200 years. The original version of every paragraph in every text is cross-tagged with its English translation, making it possible for any researcher to see, on the same screen, both the original and English translation of any word or phrase appearing in any JHTI text.
- 『鎌倉遺文古文書編 (Kamakura Ibun Komonjo-hen)』is now available via Japan Knowledge e-book
Kamakura Ibun (Collection of Historical Materials of the Kamakura Period, 1185-1333) contains over 36,000 texts in 42 volumes with 4 supplements and 3 volumes of Toji Temple documents.
- The Institute of 20th Century site/占領期新聞・雑誌情報データベース
Prange Collection University of Maryland. Title level search via the National Diet Library. The most comprehensive collection in the world of print publications issued in Japan during the immediate post-World War II years, 1945-1949.
- Museum of Memories on the Battlefields WWII 戦場体験史料館 Operated by Japan Veterans Video Archive Project (JVVAP).
- National Institute for the Humanities 人間文化研究機構データベース
Federated search of many databases developed by 5 institutions (more that 180 databases)
- Database of materials on Japanese political figures after Meiji (NDL)/近現代日本政治関係人物文献目録
- The Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo/東京大学史料編纂所
- Toa Dobun Shoin Toa Dobunkai Zasshi Kiji database /東亜同文書院・東亜同文会雑誌記事データベース