UHM Shashi Collection Overview
Shashi 社史 typically refers to publications that provide company histories--usually published by the companies themselves. However, Shashi in the UH Japan Collection has been broadened beyond the traditional business disciplines to include the histories of organizations such as colleges and universities, trade associations, unions, and so forth. Most of the shashi publications are not for sale, meaning they are unavailable through the usual distribution system in Japan. The UH Japan Collection makes direct requests upon companies and organizations and most of these publications were generously donated by these institutions.
Access to the UHM Shashi Collection
This site provides a bibliography of the Shashi collection at the UH Japan Collection. The site is browsable by institution and industry type. All Information is in Japanese except romanized institution names.
Alphabetical Lists (by romanized institution names)
Lists by Industry Type
North American Shashi Interest Group
Shashi collection in other institutions
Shashi Research Guides