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Japan Studies Collection: Japan Special Collections

The guide provides resources to assist your research on Japan.

Other Special Collections

UHM Japan Collection holds many special or rare materials. Most of them are not cataloged and not circulated. There are web-based finding aids for researchers to request specific items for their research. Click the link provided below. Please read the access policy (ENG / JPN) and make appointments at least two weeks in advance. Due to staff shortage, you may be asked to reschedule your visits.

All special collections listed below are located in the  Asia Locked Press Room, 4th Floor of Hamilton Library. Access is by appointment only.

UHM Japan Special Collections

  • Bell Historical Postcard Collection over 300 postcards, bromides, and prints that were created before WWII. Most of the postcards were created in Japan along with some made in Hawai'i, China, and Taiwan (Formosa).
  • Emery D. Middleton Collection  over 600 of his black & white photos, along with several historical postcards and documents he collected. The digital images are mainly photos and postcards taken during his service as an officer in the Allied Occupation of Japan from 1945 to 1947.
  • Hawaii Japanese Language School Textbooks Collection
    LibGuide Site ハワイ日本語学校教科書コレクション
    Over 600 Japanese language school textbooks used in Hawaii​
  • John Roberts Clippings Clippings on a wide range of political and economic topics concerning Japan collected by a journalist​
  • Kaizawa Kabuki Manuscripts (1) English translations of famous Kabuki plays during the Allied Occupation period. As part of the US censorship on Japanese publishing and performing arts, all Kakubi play manuscripts were translated into English for censorship. (2) Interview transcripts between Stanley Kaizawa and Dr. James Brandon, UHM Theatre & Dance, conducted 2000-2003 for Dr. Brandon's Kabuki Censorship Research. Mr. Stanley Kaizawa, a Japanese American Nisei from Hawaii, was a member of the censorship team and worked as a censor from 1945-1949 at GHQ Tokyo, Japan.​​
  • Kajiyama Collection 梶山文庫
    Over 7,000 materials collected by the late novelist Toshiyuki Kajiyama 梶山季之
  • Nan'yo Collection 南洋関連文献 and Nan'yo (South Seas): An Annotated Bibliography
    About 700 titles on the South Seas during the post-World War I through the World War II period. 
  • Oliver Statler Collection オリバー・スタットラーコレクション Access via the Archives Department, or 808.956.6047
    Oliver Statler's archival materials
  • Oral History of Japanese Studies Scholars 1960s to 1980s
    Interview DVDs of Japanese studies scholars conducted by Dr. George Akita, Professor Emeritus of the UHM History Department.
  • Satsuma Collection 薩摩コレクション and Satsuma domain : Japanese research resources
    Nealy 800 photo copies of late Professor of Kagoshima University Haraguchi Torao's  原口虎雄 (1914-1986) manuscripts of primary source materials on Satsuma/Shimazu domain. Prof. Haraguchi's so called "Dokosanbo (童虎山房)" collection was donated to the Amami Museum in 2006.
  • Takazawa Collection 高沢文庫
    Over 75,000 books and archival materials on Japan's social movements donated by Koji Takazawa