Dai Kan-Wa Jiten / 大漢和辞典 1955 version and 1989 version
Good for looking up unusual, esoteric, & rare Kanji and Kanji phrases. Many phrases are from Chinese classics and poems. The new version was written in modern Japanese.
Daikangorin / 大漢語林
21,000 main entries including many variations and Kanji originated in Japan. Many phrases are from Chinese classics and the Buddhist scriptures.
Gakken Kan-Wa Daijiten / 学研漢和大辞典
11,000 main entries. Many (about 70,000) phrases are Chinese classics and the Buddhist scriptures.
Jikun / 字訓
Describes history and processes how Chinese characters were adopted in Japan. Contains 2,200 Kanji from Kojiki 古事記, Nihon Shoki 日本書紀, Man'yoshu 万葉集, etc.
Jito / 字統
Describes an original form and structure of a Kanji (Etymology). Contains 6,800 from Kanji originated in Japan.
Jitsu / 字通 (UHM Only) access throughJapanKnowlegde database Systematic treatment of the development, meanings, and compounding of Chinese characters. Contains 9,500 main entries.
Mojinavi モジナビ Online Kanji dictionary including handwritten characters
Maruzen eBooks (UHM Only) Over 78 books categorized by learning levels for Japanese language extensive readings. Most of the e-book readers are searchable and downloadable.
Kazoekata no Jiten / 数え方の辞典
Online version available through JapanKnowledge (UHM only)
Contains words used to count things. Japanese has an incredible variety of words used to count objects. For example, the word sao is used to count chest-of-drawers (箪笥), the word hara is used to count cod roe (鱈子), the word hari is used to count mosquito nets (蚊帳), and the term tomae is used to count storehouses (蔵). This dictionary shows what counting words can be used for approximately 4,600 word