Cannot find books that you are looking for in UHM Library?
As of Nov. 23, 2011, UHM Library and the University of the Ryukyus Library entered a special agreement to free receprocated ILL/DD transactions for items only available from each library holdings (borrowable materials only). This pilot project will end and be reviewed after five years.
An online list of itemized records held by a particular library is called OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).
UHM Library's OPACs
OneSearch Overview (video)
OneSaerch Advanced Searching (video)
OneSearch Advanced Searching using Scopes (video)
Other Libraries' OPACs
Federated Search Engines (Search multiple OPACs in Japan)
Union catalogs
Provide itemized records held by many libraries. They often include publishers' catalogs.
Bibliographic Database
Specialized in early (classical) Japanese books
Art Libraries Catalogs
Translated works from Japanese to other languages in literature