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Korea Collection: Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

CJKV-English Dictionary Chinese-Japanes-Korean-Vietnamese/English dictionary related to East Asian cultural, political, and intellectual history by A. Charles Muller

Daum Encyclopedia & Dictionary 다음 백과사전 & 사전 

Doopedia 두산대백과사전 online version of the encyclopedia, "Tonga wonsaek segye taebaekkwa sajon" Developed by Doosan Corporation

Encyclopedia Britannica Online (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only )

Encyclopedia of Korean Culture (EncyKorea): 한국민족문화대백과사전 (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only ) online version (updated and revised) of the Han'guk Minjok Munhwa Tae Paekkwa Sajon by the Academy of Korean Studies(한국학중앙연구원, formerly 한국정신문화연구소)

Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore Culture 한국민속대백과사전 compilation of eight encyclopedias on Korean folk life and traditions, developed by the National Folk Museum. Includes: "Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs (한국세시풍속사전)", "Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Religion (한국민속신앙사전)", Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literature (한국민속문학사전)". To be added by the year 2023: "Encyclopedia of Korean Rites of Passage (한국일생의례사전)", "Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts (한국민속예술사전)", "Encyclopedia of Food, Clothing and Housing in Korea (한국의식주생활사전)", "Encyclopedia of Occupations and Skills in Korea (한국생업기술사전)" and "Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Society (한국민속사회사전)". Contents consist of Korean folklore, rituals, folk art, sound, video and much more.

Encyclopedia of Local Korean Culture 한국향토문화전자대전 one-stop search encyclopedia of Korean local culture providing all the information on local history, politics, society, and so on. It also provides a digital map, name and geographical indexes and chronology.

Glossary of Information Technology 정보통신 용어사전 dictionary of information technology acronyms and terms

Glossary of Korean Studies 한국학영문용어/용례사전 Comprehensive glossary of Korean social, cultural, political terminology with English translations and explanatory text

Korea Cumputer Mission Dictionary 한국컴퓨터선교회사전 provides various dictionaries on Christianity

Korean Classical Music Dictionary by the National Gugak Center

Korean Standard Dictionary 국립국어원 표준국어대사전 by the National Institute of the Korean Language, including idioms, proverbs, dialects, etc.

Naver Encyclopedia & Dictionary 네이버 사전

Wikipedia 위키백과 the Korean version of Wikipedia

YBM All-in-All Integrated Dictionary YBM 올인올통합사전 consists of 24 dictionaries on language, business, etc.; includes glossaries

온라인 영어학습사전 by Kabsik Park. English-Korean dictionary 영한사전, Korean-English Dictionary 한영사전, English Dictionary 영어사전