Cold War International History Project by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Archive and CWIHP Publications
Complete Collection of the Korean Study of Confucian Classics 한국경학자료시스템 a database of 145 volumes of texts from the collection of Confucian classics published by Daedong Institute for Korean Studies at Sungkyunkwan University. Images of the original text are provided.
Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics 한국고전번역원 consists of full-text images of ancient classics, original and translated text files, catalogs, bibliographical and philological information, and multimedia files of various kinds. Contents are translated Korean historical classical books from historical records written in Hanmun(Chinese) such as "Kugyŏk Chosŏn wangjo sillok", "Kugyŏk Sŭngjŏngwŏn ilgi", "Kugyŏk Ilsŏngnok", "Han'guk munjip ch'onggan" and many more.
Hamel and Korea provides Hendrick Hamel's journal and is made by Henny Savenije.
Historic Korean Figures 한국역대인물종합정보시스템 an online database with information about historically significant Korean people, featuring more than 16,000 people from ancient to modern times.
Histopia 한국사정보사이트 provides searchable databases with subjects such as old geographic names, historic Korean figures, and Paekche culture heritage and historic sites. It also contains many links to various sources on Korean history, photos related to Sinmiyangyo(신미양요) and much more.
Ilche Ha Chonsi Chejegi Chongchaek Saryo Chongso 일제하 전시체제기 정책사료총서, KSI: 한국학술정보 (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only) full-text of the 98 volumes of historical documents on Japan's colonial policy during WWⅡ, compiled by the Center for Historical Truth and Justice(민족문제연구소)
Institute for Military History Compilation 국방부 군사편찬연구소
Institute of Historical Studies 역사학연구소
Jangseogak Royal Archives 왕실도서관 장서각 디지털 아카이브 a database of digitized collections of Changsŏgak, the library of the Academy of Korean Studies. It provides a variety of materials including diaries, early Han'gŭl novels, the unofficial history of the Chosŏn dynasty, and audiovisual materials about Korean culture, oral literature, folk songs, and dialects.
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR)
Kdatabase: 한국학전자도서관 (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only) Full-text resources for Korean contemporary history, which include archival materials, scholarly works, an encyclopedia of North Korea, and a biographical dictionary of North Korea.
Korea Democracy Foundation 민주화운동기념사업회 provides historical documents, images, and oral statements regarding the Korean democracy movement.
Korean Ancient Historical Society 한국상고사학회
Korean Epigraphic Visual Information System 한국금석문종합영상정보시스템 provides comprehensive Korean epigraphic information from the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. This database is also searchable via Korean Histoy On-line.
Korean History Database 한국사데이터베이스 the Korean history full text database covering the pre-modern to modern history of Korea. Categories include rare and modern monographs, periodicals, documents/manuals, who's who, chronicles and multimedia collection.
Korean History On-line 한국역사정보통합시스템 a portal site which provides a cross-search service for various historical databases built and shared by over 29 organizations, including the National Institute of Korean History, Academy of Korean Studies, Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies, etc. There is a directory organizing the materials according to type.
Korean History Society 한국역사연구회
Kyujanggak Institue for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 formerly functioned as the Royal Library during the Chosŏn dynasty. It offers more convenient access to digitized collections available either in full-text or as high-definition digital images. Digitized collections include old maps, books, documents, government records of the late Chosŏn dynasty and the colonial period and much more.
Life-History Museum 옛문서 생활사 박물관 provides full text image of archives held by Korean Studies Advancement Center showing the daily life of ancient people. Contents include records of everyday life, manuscripts, multimedia, photos, etc.
National Institute of Korean History 국사편찬위원회 provides full text of materials related to Korean history. It is possible to search materials that the National Institute of Korean History publishies or holds through the Hanguksa Database. It also provides full text of "Chosŏn wangjo sillok", "Sŭngjŏngwŏn ilgi", Korean modern newspaper sources, series publications, documents and much more.
National Memory Heritage Service 국가기록유산 provides the history of creation of Hangul and the history of Korean paper. The 'Archival Heritage' includes national treasures, materials on the alphabet and calligraphy. Full text documents are available.
Northeast Asian History Network 동북아역사넷 a database of full-text collections of books, documents, maps, images, and online courses on Northeast Asian history, created by the Northeast Asian History Foundation.
Shinmiyangyo 신미양요: 1871 US Korean Conflict
Society for Korean Ancient History 한국고대사학회
The Assoication for Korean Historical Studies 한국사연구회
The Association for the Historical Studies on Korean National Movement 한국민족운동사학회
The Center for Historical Truth and Justice 민족문제연구소
The Digital Library of Nammyŏng Study 남명학고문헌시스템 provides various kinds of old material on Nammyŏong study which includes old books, collections of Confucian scholars' writing, documents, and engraved wood blocks.
The History of Korean Independence Movement Online 독립기념관 한국독립운동사정보시스템 a comprehensive information system which offers online access to materials held in the Independence Hall of Korea. This searchable database provides full texts, images, multimedia, and so on.
The Institute for Korean Historical Studies 역사문제 연구소
The Korea-Japan Historical Society 한일관계사학회
The Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan 한국정신대문제대책협의회
The Korean Historical Assoication 역사학회
The May 18 Institute CNU 전남대학교 5.18연구소
The May 18 Memorial Foundation 5.18 기념재단
The Society for the 2.28 Movement for Democracy 2.28 대구민중운동 기념사업회
Tonghak Peasant Revolution Information System 동학농민혁명종합지식정보시스템 provides information on Tonghak Incident by Donghak Peasant Revolution Foundation.
War Memorial of Korea 전쟁기념관 a database containing a total of 3,130 cases of Korean War and the Vietnam War materials, including information on leading patriots, the two wars and battles, battle sites, monuments, weapons, military relics, military terms, and photographs concerning the wars and military history.