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Korea Collection: Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Association of Korean Economic Studies 한국경제연구학회 can fine 'The Journal of Korean Economy 한국경제연구'

Bank of Korea 한국은행

Economic Statistics System ECOS 한국은행 경제통계시스템 a website that delivers economic statistics on the main sectors of the Korean Economy for policymakers and the public. It covers financial economic statistics, national account statistics and vatious business and consumer survey statistics. Search stat contains useful functions including calculation of rate fluctuations, chart and graph drawing, and data downloading.

EIU (the Economist Intelligence Unit) (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only)

Korea Economic Institute of America 한미경제연구소

Korea Economic Research Institute 한국경제연구원

Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business 중소기업통계 statistical information on small and medium Korean industries.

Korea Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 중소기업중앙회

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 대외경제정책연구원

Korea Institute of Finance 한국금융연구원 provides research and analysis on domestic and international financial trends, policy study for the development of financial systems and the financial industry, research and analysis on the managerial efficiency of financial institutions and collection and compilation of information on the latest developments in the domestic and international financial sectors.

Korea International Trade Association 한국무역협회

KOTRA Global Window 해외비즈니스정보포털 provides information on global market, global investment, and trade, as well as a comprehensive guide to international business in over 90 major countries, etc. It also provides economic information on North Korea, and full text of special reports.

ProQuest Asian Business / ABI/INFORM Global (Licensed for UH Manoa Use Only) From Euromonitor. Country coverage includes both North and South Korea. Various data, to include consumer/lifestyle/market analysis, industry, and demographics.