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Korea Collection: Film & Entertainment

Film & Entertainment

Busan International Film Festival

cine21 씨네21

e Film Museum e 영상역사관 provides government audio visual archives such as Taehan News, films, and voice recordings. Coverage begins in the 1950s and extends into the 1990s.

Indie Story (Gateway to Korean independent film ; includes English interface)

Korean Classic Film Theater on YouTube 한국고전영화극장 contains 83 Korean classic films with English subtitles produced since 1930, on YouTube, provided by the Korean Film Archive.

Korean Film Archive 한국영상자료원

Korean Film Council (KOFIC) 영화진흥위원회 by Darcy Paquet

Korean Movie Database 한국영화데이터베이스 searchable Korean Movie Database on films, people, images, articles, criticisms, scenarios, and publications. It also includes a VOD which has Korean films from 1930 to 1990 including classical films, documentaries, national videos and independent films. Films are partially accessible.

World Live TV live streaming of television broadcasts worldwide, including many from Korea